
Canned Food Used Most - Top Canned Foods For Food Storage

June 23, 2024
Canned Food Used Most - Top Canned Foods For Food Storage

Hello, it’s Alaska Granny! Today, I want to share with you the best canned vegetables to stockpile in your food storage and prepper pantry. Canned vegetables are harvested at their peak and processed within hours, retaining nearly the same nutritional value as fresh or frozen produce. They are shelf-stable, making them perfect for long-term storage, and are incredibly versatile since they come pre-prepared. You can easily add them to soups, stews, salads, casseroles, quiches, and pasta sauces.

One thing to note about canned vegetables is that they are sometimes processed with added salt or sugar. You can find varieties labeled "no salt added," but always check the ingredients if you're sensitive to these additives.

Here are some of my favorite canned vegetables for food storage:

1. Green Beans

Green beans are incredibly versatile. Serve them as-is, topped with butter, or tossed into salads with Italian seasoning or dressing. They are also perfect for green bean casseroles.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are perhaps the most versatile canned vegetable. They come in various forms: tomato sauce, paste, diced, whole, and stewed. They are also available in products like enchilada sauce and Rotel, which includes spices. Tomatoes are often shelved next to pasta in stores, making them easy to find and use.

3. Corn

Canned corn is delicious and versatile. You can buy it as whole kernel corn or creamed corn. It works great as a side dish, or added to soups, stews, and even cornbread for extra crunch.

4. Mixed Vegetables

Mixed vegetables and mixed vegetable medleys are great for soups, stews, casseroles, and pot pies. Note that mixed vegetable medleys often include potatoes.

5. Artichokes

Canned artichokes are a delicious addition to salads and pasta. They’re also perfect for making spinach artichoke dip.

6. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a fantastic canned vegetable to have on hand. I enjoy topping bratwurst with sauerkraut and letting it simmer in the crockpot. It also pairs well with frozen or dehydrated red and green peppers and onions.

7. Potatoes

Canned potatoes are versatile and come sliced, whole, or diced. Use them in soups, stews, and casseroles, or even for a quick potato salad.

8. Carrots

While I prefer fresh carrots, canned carrots are a convenient option for soups and casseroles. Buying smaller cans can prevent waste if you don’t need a large quantity.

9. Green Chilies

For a bit of spice, canned green chilies are excellent. Mix them into eggs, chili, soups, and stews, or make a cheesy green chili quiche.

10. Water Chestnuts

Water chestnuts add crunch to casseroles, soups, and stews without altering the flavor significantly. They’re great for rescuing dishes that have become too mushy.

11. Olives

Canned olives, whether whole, sliced, or chopped, are perfect for salads and various dishes. My granddaughter loves them, so I always keep a small can on hand.

12. Asparagus

Canned asparagus is convenient and can be used in pasta, salads, or quiches. It’s a great alternative when fresh asparagus is out of season.

13. Beets

Canned beets are less messy than fresh ones and can be easily added to salads or served as a side dish.

14. Pumpkin

Canned pumpkin is incredibly versatile. Use it to make pumpkin chili, brownies, soups, and of course, pumpkin pie.

15. Dehydrated Vegetables

For the longest-lasting canned vegetables, I buy dehydrated varieties from brands like Augason Farms. Dehydrated carrots, onions, tomato powder, and vegetable stew mixes are fantastic for long-term storage and easy meal preparation.

Remember to rotate your food stockpile using the first-in, first-out method to ensure the freshest items are always available. Let us know in the comments which canned vegetables are your favorites and share any unique recipes you might have!

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